Community Yoga

Each Saturday at 12 noon we will offer rotating instructors for only $5 a class.  Most instructors are graduates from the Fluid Yoga Teacher Training Program.

Community classes can serve several different purposes, they can help new teachers gain experience teaching and help seasoned teachers further share their practice. These classes also open the doors of the studio to students who may not otherwise attend classes and in some cases it may be folks' first time in a yoga class. We are excited to welcome all of these new experiences with you!

Rotating Teachers.  $5 per class donation, in cash preferred. Class cards and passes welcome.

Upcoming Classes

Saturday - March 29, 2025 / EST
Community Yoga
Saturday 3/29/2025
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Stil Pearl
Saturday - April 05, 2025 / EST
Community Yoga
Saturday 4/5/2025
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Stil Pearl
644 High street, Dedham, MA 02026